Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Be Kind Rewind *or* Say "No Thanks"

Alright, so it's inevitable that not everyone on match clicks, connects, falls in love (or at least in like) with every single person. It's ok. It happens (in fact you want it to happen, so when you do meet the person that you like and who likes you in return, you'll know to recognize it as special and rare occurrence and will treat it as such) .

So you are on match, you look, you read the profile, or browse the photos, maybe scroll down to the income/education part - whatever your priorities are. You like what you see, perhaps overlook a few things that surely you could change/improve with your winning personality and can't-reject-smile, and then you wink, or if you are very brave, email the person. And then you wait.

An hour? two? several? How long does it really take for him to email you back? You sulk for a few days, repeatedly clicking on the person's profile, trying to figure out when's the last time they logged on match. Have they received your wink? Have they seen your email? Perhaps they are not even paying for a match membership (what was that income bracket again?) and can't read your original, funny, and witty message. What's a girl to do?

Serious obsession, short loss of breath, and panic attacks are likely to take place. We might send your profile to our girlfriends for a line-by-line analysis, looking for a single clue that will make everything clear to us - because surely, it is just impossible that you don't like us, right?

Guys!!! Spare us, please! I know that sometimes, no answer is the answer. But why not take an extra second and click on the magical "no thanks" button so thoughtfully provided by match? If you so wish, you could even let us know exactly why you don't like us. Either way, it is a pretty clear indication to us that we are not meant to be, and to move on to the next profile. So, be kind, click "no thanks."

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