Monday, June 28, 2010

Reasons He's Not That Into You

How I wish that I would listen to the voice inside my head. Sometimes it whispers, sometimes it uses the inside voice, at other times it's the outside, impatient voice, begging me to listen. But I can be death at moments, stubborn, or purely foolish.

And at the end, it is me and that voice. Talking to each other. I'm not surprised. I'm saddened and disappointed.

Here's what the voice has been telling me - he's not that into you. Let it go.
* He spends more time with everyone other than you
* When you say "I'd better go," he says "ok"
* He'd hiding the relationship from his friends
* He doesn't talk to you about his feelings
* When you leave late at night and drive home, he doesn't call to make sure you got in safely, nor does he ask you to call him
* He doesn't tag you in his facebook posts (couldn't resist this one)
* In a month of seeing one another, you don't have a single photo of the two of you together

The signs I missed:
* He said "I don't know what I'm looking for"/"I don't know where I am now"
* Not feeling safe/secure to call him just to say "hello" and see how his day was without feeling the possibility of forcing myself on him
* Having monologues instead of conversations. Feeling empty and unsettled