Monday, June 28, 2010

Reasons He's Not That Into You

How I wish that I would listen to the voice inside my head. Sometimes it whispers, sometimes it uses the inside voice, at other times it's the outside, impatient voice, begging me to listen. But I can be death at moments, stubborn, or purely foolish.

And at the end, it is me and that voice. Talking to each other. I'm not surprised. I'm saddened and disappointed.

Here's what the voice has been telling me - he's not that into you. Let it go.
* He spends more time with everyone other than you
* When you say "I'd better go," he says "ok"
* He'd hiding the relationship from his friends
* He doesn't talk to you about his feelings
* When you leave late at night and drive home, he doesn't call to make sure you got in safely, nor does he ask you to call him
* He doesn't tag you in his facebook posts (couldn't resist this one)
* In a month of seeing one another, you don't have a single photo of the two of you together

The signs I missed:
* He said "I don't know what I'm looking for"/"I don't know where I am now"
* Not feeling safe/secure to call him just to say "hello" and see how his day was without feeling the possibility of forcing myself on him
* Having monologues instead of conversations. Feeling empty and unsettled

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Recommended Reading: Rachel Greenwald's "Have him at hello"

My recommended that I read this book. Before heading out to B&N or the library, I decided to do some digging on google and came up with this excerpt. You let me know what you think.

Have you ever thought about what kind of first impression you make on the telephone? It's been on my mind since I hung up the phone yesterday with a guy who called to interview me. I thought afterwards, "Yuck, I didn't like him..." Of course we'd never met, only exchanged words through the receiver for about 15 minutes. But it got me thinking: why didn't I like him? Would he be different face-to-face? Maybe there's a disconnect between his phone manner and his live personality.

But whatever the perception versus the reality, I think phone charisma is something you should master if you want to be successful in life (and especially in love). Too often someone can get a negative impression about you from what you say (or don't say) on the phone. They can't see your body language or facial expressions, which might lead to false assumptions about what type of person you are. Whether you're chatting with someone for business or personal reasons, you should always "give good phone."

After a ten-year dating research study where I interviewed more than 1,000 single men (and women) for my new dating book, "Have Him At Hello," I've identified 8 simple tips. As a matchmaker, my perspective is obviously the dating arena, but regardless of whether you're single or married, these guidelines will help you shine on the phone to make a great first impression:

Use a Land Line whenever possible. There's nothing more irritating than spotty reception and always saying, "What? Sorry I couldn't hear you...."

Be aware of your tone: Always use a cheerful voice, even if something he says annoys you, or if you've had a bad day. People are drawn to an upbeat vibe.

Give intentional responses: If the other person says something vague such as "How are you?", remember that is usually not an inquiry about your health or your mood. In the early stages of getting-to-know-you, everything you say is used to project what type of person you may be. "How are you" is actually a Rorschach test! Use that vague question to give an intentional response and share something about yourself that you deliberately want someone to know. For example:

  1. He says, "How are you?"
    You say, "I'm great! I just returned from an exhilarating run in Central Park with my best friend from college."

    What does that tell him about you, even if it's subconscious? It says you are fitness oriented (you run), you're the type of person who has sustainable relationships (you've maintained a friend for 20 years since college), and you're an energetic, positive person (I'm great! The run was exhilarating!)."

    Obviously don't make anything up (i.e., don't say you went running if you really didn't), but proactively think of something positive about yourself that you want the other person to know, even if he asks a vague question.

Find a "conversation bridge": Find a bridge to help you learn more about him, based on the last thing you said ("So, what kind of exercise do YOU like?" or "How about YOU, do you have some college friends you still spend time with?"). Everyone likes talking about themselves.

Be fun: If there's a lull in the conversation flow, try to be fun and spark some banter, which makes someone enjoy talking to you. Pick a neutral, third party topic, and make a comment (or ask a question) about it. For example, "Hey, did you happen to see Letterman last night? He did the Top Ten Reasons for things overheard waiting in line to see Avatar.... Guess what #1 was?" Asking a person to guess something is a great way to keep conversation interesting. (Avoid boring questions such as: How was work? Was the traffic bad?).

Flatter him: Make someone feel good about himself by acting happy that he called, and be sure to give positive feedback on his conversation skills. For example, tell him, "I had a rough day at work, but your call cheered me up!" or "Oh, that's an interesting question!"

Know when the party's over: End the conversation quickly when you sense the energy level drooping. But blame it on an external factor rather than sounding bored. For example, "Oh, I have to walk my dog now, he's scratching at the door... I'm so sorry, I was really enjoying talking to you. Let's speak again soon!"

What Never To Do: While talking on the phone, never chew food or gum, nevernever multi-task while you're on the phone by checking email, loading the dishwasher, etc. (give someone your full attention: it makes a huge difference!) go to the bathroom or flush a toilet, even if you mute the phone (don't risk a mute malfunction!), and and never multi-task while you're on the phone by checking email, loading the dishwasher, etc. (give someone your full attention: it makes a huge difference!)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My First Proposal

How exciting!
This is his first email to me:

How are you? I hope that everything is great with you.My name is NAME and I live on STREET Ave.
First of all,I want to talk honestly, frankly,and directly about what I want.I live in an apartment alone,and I am
a graduate student.Thus,I am looking for stability,consistency,and compatibility with someone who cherishs and respects these emotions like you.Moreover, I read your profile very carefully,and I found that we share the same interests and morals.Clearly,I need someone to share my life with,and I want to marry you.I will provide everything that belongs our daily life from accommodation to food, and you do not have to worry about anything.
I know this will be surprising for you,and you do not know me very well;however,I want you to give me a chance,and I will prove that to you.


We're going to go shop for rings tomorrow! Wish us luck